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Chlor-Rid Protects Steel from Salt Corrosion

By Corrosionpedia Staff
Published: September 19, 2015 | Last updated: October 6, 2017
Key Takeaways

The Chlor*Rid line of salt testing and removal products protects steel from the costly premature failure of protective coatings.

Source: Noam Armonn / Dreamstime.com

Cost of Salt Corrosion Coatings Failures Estimated at over $6 Billion per Year


February 8, 2010, Phoenix, AZ – CHLOR*RID International, Inc.www.chlor-rid.com, the world’s leading source of soluble salt testing and soluble salt removal products, announced today at the PACE Show in Phoenix, that its Chlor*Rid line of salt testing and removal products is protecting steel from costly premature failure of protective coatings. Steel is used in America’s largest infrastructures and industries, including bridges, aircraft, mining, ships, marine structures, cars, buildings, storage tanks, pipelines, power plants, paper mills, etc.

The U.S. Federal Highway Administration estimates that the annual cost of steel coatings failures caused by salt corrosion is over $6 billion. A large portion of that money can be saved with proper surface cleanliness prior to coating using Chlor*Rid soluble salt testing and removal products. With proper salt removal, coatings are more able to last their intended lifespan, preventing costly corrosion and rust damage. (To learn more about this topic, see Five Key Factors in Understanding the Role of Soluble Salts in Coatings Failures.)


Steel must be coated to protect it against corrosion. Coatings perform best when applied to a salt-free, clean surface, since all coatings and paints are formulated for application on contaminant-free surfaces. If the steel is coated with salts remaining, there will be corrosion and premature failure of the coating. Left unchecked, salt contamination corrodes deep into the substrate, making decontamination even more urgent and challenging. “Clean uncontaminated steel will not rust, even in 100% humidity, for thousands of hours,” said Gerald Stoltz, of the National Shipbuilding Research Program.

The National Association of Corrosion Engineers Int., Inc. (NACE) and the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) are taking steps to confront the salt corrosion problem. They have established industry guidelines for measuring soluble salts that U.S. companies and government organizations, such as the U.S. Navy, have also adopted requiring that salts be tested and removed.

Chlor*Rid Salt Testing & Salt Removal Products

Chlor*Rid has developed two salt testing kits, the Chlor*Ion Meter, a patent-pending hand-held digital testing device that electronically measures chloride with an internal ion specific electrode for accurate worry-free testing (available Q2 2010) and Chlor*Test, a complete and easy to use system that lets even the least experienced inspector get accurate results. Once tested, the Chlor*Rid salt removal product is then applied to remove salts. Chlor*Rid is the easiest, least expensive, and fastest way to remove salts. Organic, non-hazardous and biodegradable, Chlor*Rid is added to water and then applied to surfaces to flush out all destructive salts.


“In dealing with soluble salts, we enter the realm of the non-visible. Suddenly, we are testing for and removing something that cannot be seen,” said Jim Johnson, Marketing Director, CHLOR*RID International, Inc. “With Chlor*Rid’s salt testing and removal products, all the guess work has been taken out of chloride testing and removal. Chlor*Rid salt decontamination ensures maximum coating performance without the damage from corrosion and rust.”

Steel industries requiring salt removal prior to coating include:

  • Auto manufacturers that perform procedures to body parts prior to coating to remove any salts.
  • Pipeline operators run steel pipe through an acid bath, followed by a rinse, before applying protective coatings.
  • Job shops that manufacture products, from window crank parts to fuel pump springs, perform procedures to remove salts from steel parts.
  • Coil steel, used for everything from computer cases to metal roofing, use procedures to remove salts.
  • Bridge, rail car, water tank and power plant industries are now finding out that they need to address salts on steel.

The Chlor*Rid salt removal and Chlor*Test salt testing products are available immediately from CHLOR*RID International Inc. and their authorized distributors at http://www.chlor-rid.com/distributors/index.php. Chlor*Ion Meter, a patent-pending hand-held digital testing device that electronically measures salts, will be available Q2 2010.

For pricing, see https://www.chlor-rid.com/order/index.php.

For more info, see website www.chlor-rid.com or email info@chlor-rid.com Phone: 800-422-3217 Fax: 480-821-0039. Join CHLOR*RID on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/CHLORRID/148150247414.

About CHLOR*RID International, Inc.

Founded February 1994, CHLOR*RID International, Inc. is the world’s leading source of products and information for soluble salt testing and soluble salt removal. The CHLOR*RID line is used by state highways, bridges, railroads, aircraft, ships, dams, tanks and microbiology labs to protect and remove dangerous salt contamination and corrosion from the world’s most crucial infrastructure systems. CHLOR*RID is the proud sponsor of the Soluble Salt Technology Center at http://www.paintsquare.com/techcenter/salts/chlorrid/home.cfm with lab test parameters for chloride, sulfate and nitrate and soluble salt testing, corrosion info, technical articles on soluble salts, and access to organizational standards and guides. See www.chlor-rid.com for more information.

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