
Understanding Corrosion in Water Pipelines: A Guide for Pipeline Designers


Application Defect

Last updated: May 18, 2020

What Does Application Defect Mean?

An application defect is a type of coating failure that is created while the coating is being applied. An application defect can ultimately result in a complete coating failure either immediately or after time has passed, and generally requires a repair to ensure that the coating will meet the job requirements.


Corrosionpedia Explains Application Defect

An application defect can render a coating useless; therefore it is important to know the cause. A common cause is using the coating equipment incorrectly. Trained personnel are typically needed to operate automatic, semiautomatic or manual coating equipment.

Another reason for application defects is the use of faulty or improperly maintained equipment. Selection of the wrong equipment for the job can create application defects as well. Choosing the right brush or spray tip are crucial to a successful coating application.

Contamination is another reason that an application defect may be formed. Care should be taken to make sure that the substrate and the equipment are clean.

An application defect should be repaired before it causes a coating failure because it can ultimately result in component or structural failure. There are several ways to repair an application defect. If the defect is found before the coating has dried, it may be possible to repair it through brushing. If the coating has dried but not cured, then using a solvent and reapplying the coating may be the best way to fix the application defect. When the application defect is found after the coating has dried and cured, then removal by mechanical means and reapplication may be necessary.


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