
Understanding Corrosion in Water Pipelines: A Guide for Pipeline Designers



Last updated: September 19, 2017

What Does Busheling Mean?

Busheling is a widely traded form of steel scrap consisting of sheet clips and stampings from metal production. This term arose from the practice of collecting the material in bushel baskets during World War II.

In iron working, busheling is the process of heating iron scrap and forming it into a solid block in a furnace.


Corrosionpedia Explains Busheling

Busheling is clean steel scrap not exceeding 12 inches in any dimension. Most material are new factory sheet clippings, drops, stampings, etc. Busheling consists of clean wrought iron and soft steel pipes. Its minimum density is 50 lbs per cu. ft.

It is a ferrous scrap term which originated in the United States and applies to thin uncoated clippings and stamping offcuts from manufacturing operations. Consequently, it only applies to new production scrap, rather than scrap generated from obsolete used items. An equivalent European grade is E8 new scrap, and in the UK grade 8A.

According to the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) guidelines for ferrous scrap (FS-2009) number one busheling cannot include old auto body and fender stock. The material is to be free of metallic coatings (such as galvanization), lined, vitreous enameled and electrical sheet steel containing over 0.5% silicon.

Busheling scraps are mainly recycled scraps used across the globe. These ferrous busheling scraps are further processed through advanced machinery and equipment so that they can be used in an assortment of industries. These scraps are flexible to operate and deliver reliable performance.


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