
Understanding Corrosion in Water Pipelines: A Guide for Pipeline Designers


Composite Coating

Last updated: April 13, 2019

What Does Composite Coating Mean?

A composite coating is the combination of two or more substances that offer protection against corrosion. This special type of coating is chiefly based on epoxy and polyurethane as well as resin.

It is produced through state-of-the-art resin technology in order to meet the requirements of various industries. It offers excellent corrosion protection and waterproofing, making it one of the top coating materials used by industries.


Corrosionpedia Explains Composite Coating

Composite coatings are ideal for many industries, especially in oil industry settings where pipes, hauls and similar structures are common. This coating type offers the following benefits:

  • Fire and heat protection – It serves as a thermal barrier, so it gives protection from hot gas and radiant heat. It also offers resistance against fire and shields carbon composites from resin melt and delamination.
  • Provides the best conductive coating – Composite coatings are characterized as thin conductive coatings in order to provide electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) as well as radio frequency (RF) that guards against carbon composites.
  • Beautiful finishes – This coating offers attractive finishes which may include both ceramic and metal finishes in a broad array of textures and colors.
  • Insulation properties – It provides highly effective electrical insulation, which isolates substrates electrically from the environment.

Composite coatings permit strong, but lightweight objects to be utilized in settings where these would not be appropriate otherwise. The most effective types of composite coatings result in extreme adhesion based on plasma applications. This coating technique helps produce coatings that are resistant to mechanical damage, serious vibration and significant flexing.

The most common applications include controlling corrosion of various structures like steel, bridges, offshore platforms, underground pipelines and more. It is typically composed of different substances like composite paints made from fluoropolymers composites, polyamide binders and thermoset polyimide.


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