
Understanding Corrosion in Water Pipelines: A Guide for Pipeline Designers


Conductive Coupling

Last updated: December 23, 2018

What Does Conductive Coupling Mean?

Conductive coupling refers to the process of energy transfer between two independent metallic objects that is facilitated by their direct physical contact. The process primarily involves the transfer of electrical and/or electrochemical energy to abate the occurrence of corrosion on one or both of the metallic objects that are present in the couple.


Corrosionpedia Explains Conductive Coupling

Conductive coupling can be achieved by direct physical contact between two metallic objects; however the use of wires, resistors, common terminals or electrochemical cells may also be incorporated for the same result. In a conductive couple pair, one metal acts as a sacrificial anode to reduce the corrosion rate experienced by the other metal.

Sacrificial protection is a corrosion protection method in which a more electrochemically active metal is electrically attached to a less active metal. The highly active metal donates electrons to replace those that may have been lost during oxidation of the protected metal. This returns the protected metal back to its original form, and thereby prevents it from corroding.


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