
Understanding Corrosion in Water Pipelines: A Guide for Pipeline Designers



Last updated: July 17, 2017

What Does Glauconite Mean?

Glauconite is a mineral consisting of hydrous silicates of iron and potassium. Glauconite is dull green in color. It has the consistency and feel of chalk; it breaks apart very easily upon contact. Glauconite is commonly found in sandstone and limestone and is a member of the mica group of minerals.


Corrosionpedia Explains Glauconite

Glauconite was named after the Greek word “glaucous.” Glaucous means blue-green color, which is commonly the color that glauconite takes on as the molecules it is composed of begin to oxidize.

Key properties of glauconite:

  • Major elements: iron, silicon and oxygen
  • Specific gravity: 2.66
  • Crystal formation: monoclinic

Glauconite is a major component of greensand, which is a popular media that is used for filtering liquids. When greensand is manufactured, the glauconite is filtered so that only the desired size particles are used. The glauconite is also cleaned during this time. Once this is finished, the glauconite is coated with a material such as manganese oxide, which aids in the filtration process.

Glauconite is almost exclusively found in marine environments, or environments that were previously marine. Locations where glauconite is extracted are New Zealand, England, Texas, Alabama and Australia.


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