
Understanding Corrosion in Water Pipelines: A Guide for Pipeline Designers



Last updated: January 11, 2019

What Does Profile Mean?

A material's corrosion profile is used to determine the material's likelihood to react with water. Corrosion normally occurs due to the addition of oxygen atoms or molecules to a metal, thus degrading the structure that the metal is being used for.

The group of elements in the periodic table that react with water is headed by potassium, and this element reacts very violently with water—so much so, in fact, that it is stored in oil. Most metals used in construction are in this group. Iron (Fe) is one of them, and its corrosion process is known as rusting. Rust is red because most of the oxides of iron are red.


Corrosionpedia Explains Profile

An analysis of the corrosion index involving a pipe length is readily available through a corrosion profile. This profile gives people in the industry a fast, easy and reliable way to calculate corrosion rates. This is not only applicable to a single spot within a piping system, but a number of points throughout the pipe length.

The corrosion profile tool is used by specifying all needed information like temperature conditions, pressure and other factors that may have an effect on corrosion. In the case of a pipeline, the following can be determined through a corrosion profile:

  • Corrosion rates along the pipeline, both vertical and horizontal flow
  • The behavior of water phase
  • Corrosion analysis over the whole length of the pipe
  • The gas water content, temperature at dew point, phase distribution and existence of liquid or water

Corrosion analysis is essential not only in pipes, but other industrial components as well. This is because many factors like pressure and temperature may occur along different components. A corrosion profile may display a high level of corrosion at various points due to several factors such as water condensation. Having this, users can generate profiles to efficiently evaluate the rate of corrosion and determine a suitable protection and appropriate material for various projects.


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