
Understanding Corrosion in Water Pipelines: A Guide for Pipeline Designers



Last updated: November 6, 2015

What Does Solvent-Free Mean?

Solvent-free refers to a substance that contains little or no solvent. Paint, adhesives, hash oil and epoxy are substances that normally contain very little solvent. When adhesive contains less than 5% solvent, it is considered a solvent-free adhesive. Solvent-free epoxy resin is solid and contains no water or solvent as diluents. Solvent-free indicates that the substances are environmentally friendly.

Solvent-free paints and coatings are used to protect against environmental corrosion of materials. In solvent-free conditions, the sparing use of chemical reagents or solvents causes little environmental pollution.


Corrosionpedia Explains Solvent-Free

A substance made using little or no solvent is known as solvent-free. It is eco-friendly and used in many industries to reduce corrosion and environmental pollution. A solvent-free product has several advantages, such as reduced health risks and safety requirements.

Solvent-free synthesis is an alternative method to solution-based synthesis. Solvent-free synthesis has several advantages over the classic method of synthesis, including that it is a type of green chemistry where little or no solvents are used and environmentally friendly chemicals are used.

There are some solvent-free anti-corrosion agents based on mineral oil, which are used for corrosion protection. They are highly effective for preserving iron or non-iron metals. Solvent-free epoxy resin coatings are used for damp proofing and color protection. Solvent-free epoxy tank coating can be used against a variety of chemicals and petroleum products. This coating is suitable for inner linings, onshore & offshore buried tanks, and many other types of storage tanks.

Solvent-free epoxy coating has several advantages over other traditional linings in water pipelines:

  • Reduces overall weight of the pipe
  • Increases flow of water through the pipe
  • Reduces pumping costs and energy consumption
  • Inhibits bacteria and fungal growth



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